"The first book I've read that starts at 90mph and speeds up" - Jeremy Vine
The Diaries of a Fleet Street Fox delves deep into the dark corners of that most guilty of pleasures - the tabloid expose. Acerbic, funny, and revelatory, the diaries reveal the heart within the hack as she tries to recover from a betrayal as devastating as any newspaper scandal. It's juicy, shocking, and as near to the knuckle as the lawyers would allow
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"If social media has you running around like a headless chicken, you need a fox, and vixens don’t come much sharper, funnier or more acerbic than La Boniface" - Rufus Hound
The Bluffer's Guide to Social Media is the perfect gift for someone who needs to be an expert, fast, on 21st century communication, figure out the difference between a tweet and a dweet, and find the best way to handle trolls
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"Funny, irreverent and appalling at the same time. No wonder trust in journalism is so low" - ex-Labour Party deputy leader Tom Watson
The Bluffer's Guide to Journalism will help anyone survive in the most venal, duplicitous and thoroughly gratifying job on Earth. Never again confuse superheroes and superinjunctions, or a deep throat with a splash and a spread
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"A thoroughly unpleasant way to start the day. Also utter, utter bollocks" - a Twitter user
The Collected Rants of Fleet Street Fox is a curated collection of her most accurate columns, covering topics as diverse as breast-feeding, Boris Johnson, and badgers. From Trump to terrorism, these ones were bang on the money
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